Friday, November 26, 2010

Back to Spain...:)

On our way back from Morocco, You can see the African continent on the right (Morocco) and Europe on the left (Spain). Amazing view.

Aiden dreaming about his friends and cousins in Morocco...:)
Downtown Madrid
European architecture is mind blowing. Spain has so much heritage which reflects in its historical buildings.
Plaza Mayor is amazing. This place has been the center of activities, bull fights, and royal coronations. Today, it is used for public celebrations.
In the center of the square, you can see a bronze statue of King Phillips III constructed in 1616.

Off for a quick bite to eat in downtown Madrid!

This amazing church is where the King and Queen of Spain got married.

*Thank you Sanaa for being an excellent host. We had a great time.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Wedding

Amine has been doing the blog posts lately. (A great job too!) I wanted to tell you about my first Moroccan wedding. Wow! Honestly, it was one of the most beautiful celebrations I have ever been to in my life! Amine did a great job capturing the night with photos and video. It will definitely be remembered forever as one of the best times of my life. It was so special to meet the rest of Amine's family from his Dad's side and Mom's side. To have Aiden there was even more special. Sanaa gave me an authentic Moroccan dress to wear. Unbelievable dresses!

Here is how the night went:
Moroccan weddings don't start until late in the evening. They go until 6am!! They served breakfast in the morning!!! Have you ever been to a wedding where they serve breakfast?! What a party! Aiden didn't last very long because this was way past his bedtime. Fortunately, the wedding was at a hotel. I had to miss the beginning of the wedding to put him to bed. We had a family member stay in the room with him. He slept the whole time until we left at 3:30am! Sanaa had three different beautiful dresses that she changed into throughout the night. Each had it's own presentation to the room. The food was amazing. There were so many courses of food I lost count! Well over 10 served, plus a buffet! The music was awesome too. Three different bands through the night. Words can't really express this night. Wow! Congratulations Sanaa and Antonio!!!

Three generations! Amine, Aiden, his dad and brother.
Align Center
Awesome Uncles! Amine's mom's brothers.
Sanaa gave me this beautiful authentic Moroccan dress!
The beautiful bride. This was her first dress.

Amine's family. (Aiden and I missed this picture because he had to get to bed :)

The brothers
Dancing with cousins!
I made it to the party!
What sweet girls!
Cousins! We love them!

Dress #2. So beautiful!

Dress #3

End of the night. On our way home. What a night!

Short video of the wedding:

The Night Before the Wedding...

My sister with cousins and friends.
My brother and cousin.
The bride and groom...:)
Look at that Moroccan food! Couscous!

This was the dinner the night before the wedding. They reserved the restaurant and had a band. What a blast! Great night with family!

My Grandma and Aiden meet for the 1st time...:)

Incredible day. Aiden got to meet my grandparents. They are unbelievably sweet and they are pretty much the backbone of the entire Berrada family. My dad's brothers and sisters are always fighting for who gets to keep them in their house...:) Unbelievable how much wisdom and love they have in their heart...:) My grandma's advice is always worth GOLD. Just sit next to her and listen...:)

Kisses kisses...:)