Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby Berrada Update

Today Amine and I went to our 20 week ultrasound. It was quite amazing. The baby was VERY active and the tech. had a hard time capturing pictures because it kept moving! (I think we are in for it...;) Here are some shots to share. Enjoy!

Amine wants to be surprised and find out what the baby is on the day it's born. Now being the planner I am, I had to find out. I will have to keep up a "poker" face over the next few months. It is so exciting all the same. We can't wait and hope the second half goes fast!! Our new due date is January 17.

I will keep you posted as we continue this exciting journey!!


  1. This past weekend, Uncle Matt commented that so far, our generation has "made some pretty cute babies". From these pictures, it looks like that trend is definitely going to continue! Keep squirming and growing well, Baby!

  2. Melissa & Amine!

    That is SO exciting! I love that you can see "its" little face! I can't wait to come and visit :)

