Sunday, September 27, 2009

Weekend Away...:)

I have been tired and a little overwhelmed lately with school. My sweet husband took me on a weekend away. Amine and I got to enjoy a wonderful weekend in Palm Beach!! We went to the Ritz Carlton right on the beach. Both of us highly recommend this resort. It was amazing! Everyone treats you so nice, the food is great and you can't beat this kind of relaxation! Here are some photos from dinner, on the beach and the view from our room.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our First Family Picture :)

Here are some of our first family pictures. :) Thanks to the webcam. Amine was on his way out the door (hence the sunglasses). Having out of town parents, the webcam is nice when talking to them. I will send more pictures soon. Things have been very busy on our end. I started back to school and am loving 4th grade! The older kids are so much fun to work with. I am taking a class and tutoring also. This has made the fifth month of our pregnancy fly! I will be six months next week. It is hard to believe that in three months (give or take) we will see our little one. Amine and I are so ready to meet Baby Berrada.

Hope everyone is well. Happy Fall!!