Friday, July 29, 2011

Trip to Grandma & Grandpa's House

We had a great trip to Michigan. Everyday was packed with something fun and nice visits with family. I didn't have the time to possibly see everyone I wanted to, so will have to save that for the next trip. Aiden did so well. He is an expert traveler!

Aiden loved throwing everything in Grandma & Grandpa's pool. :)
Helping Grandpa fix his toy.
Making cupcakes with Grandma.
Cuddling with cousin Ella :)
The cousins :) Gage, Ella, Aiden & Sam
Playing ball with cousin Brendan.
This was the best pic I could get. They were too busy! :) Aiden, Lisette & Brendan. The cousins.
So cute! Got to have dinner with my girlfriends, husbands & kids.
The girls. Jessica had to leave :( Hillary, me, Katie, & Kari
We took Aiden to our friends the Otto's Farm. Aiden wasn't having the tractor.
Thanks Uncle Trevor for the ride!
Big Turkeys
Thanks Ottos! Thank you Nate for the tour!!
Aunt Angie & Grandma showed Aiden the baby turkeys. So cute :)

Aiden on Grandpa's tractor.
In the pool with Grandpa.
Helping Grandpa with the grass after the pool.
Family day at the beach!
Aiden loves the beach!

Thanks to Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Angie, Uncle Trevor, and all our friends and family that made this a fun filled trip! :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Aiden's 1st Haircut!

We took Aiden for his first haircut to the Barber Shop at Magic Kingdom. Such a great experience! He got Mickey ears that say, "First Haircut". He also got a "Certificate of Bravery".
The day started off exciting when we were walking to the Monorail to head to the Magic Kingdom and my mom popped out from behind the bushes to surprise us! It was her birthday and my Dad flew her down! Happy Birthday Grandma! What fun!

BIG thanks to Aunt Angie for getting us in the park!

Mom was doing whatever it took to keep him in the chair!
Yeah Aiden! All done!! :)

It's a Small World ride!

Sanaa & Antonio Came to Visit

Amine's sister Sanaa and her Husband Antonio came for a visit from Madrid, Spain. It was wonderful to see them. We all had a great time!

Brother & Sister :)
Antonio & Aiden
Daddy & Aiden in the fountain :)
Sanaa & Antonio
Aiden loved their convertable Mustang!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Father's Day!

Dear Daddy,
Thank you for being the BEST Dad in the world! You come home every night after work and take me for walks, play basketball, take me to the park, to the pool, to play tennis, to the water fountain, for ice cream, to Downtown Disney and more! We have so much fun! Thanks for all you do for me and Mommy!
We love you lots!
Aiden & Mommy :)