Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Father's Day, Avocado and Cousins

Smiles for Daddy!

Aiden and I made a card for Daddy with his hand prints to thank him for being a great Father!

Meeting cousin Brendan!

Brendan helping Aiden with his giraffe.

Aiden and Brendan playing.

First veggie!

Loved avocado!

Since we have been home from vacation, we have been quite busy! We celebrated Amine's first Father's Day, Aiden tried his first veggie (avocado) and got to meet his cousin Brendan. He also got to meet his cousins Alison, Nick and see Aunt Gail and Aunt Angie. What fun was had by all!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Aiden had so much fun with his cousins Mason and Hannah!

Cousin Hannah and Aiden. He sure loved her!

Family time in the pool!

Amine and I got a little time out on the lake.

Me and my Dad!

Relaxing on the boat!

Amine in the lake for his daily swim.

I got some time out on the jet ski!

Uncle Trevor was the best on the jet ski

Aiden & Daddy in the pool.

Aiden, Daddy & Uncle Trevor playing with his pool.

Aiden's first time in a lake.

Grandpa and Aiden took a walk every morning.

Grandpa and Aiden playing!

Three generations! Aiden, Mommy & Grandma

Mommy & Aiden with Grandma & Grandpa

My cousin Andrea's husband Derrick and their daughters treated us to a wonderful concert! Thank you Derrick, Ali and Hannah! Aiden loved it! We all did!!

Amine and Aiden on the porch playing

We just got back from a week away with my family. It was wonderful to see everyone and spend time together. My parents rented a lake house and we had a blast jet skiing, boating, swimming, laughing and making memories. Aiden got to meet some cousins and of course Aunt Susie and Uncle Stu! What a great time!

Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Amine's Father's Day Gift

Amine got his Father's Day gift a little early. He finally got the new camera he has been wanting for some time now. This morning we were playing around with it and capturing pictures of our little guy. Aiden did a great job smiling for the camera! Stay tuned for more great pictures to come!