Monday, May 31, 2010

Aiden's First "Real" Meal!

Aiden had his first "real meal" today! He loved it! Some landed on his shirt and Mommy's lap, but all-in-all a very good first meal. :) Amine and I had a blast watching our boy take this new step. What a good baby!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Family Night Out At Disney!

We took a family night out and went to Disney. What a beautiful evening! Aiden took it all in. So much to see! Starting with Donald Duck!! Amine has loved Donald Duck since he was a little boy. He has been wanting a picture with Donald Duck for sooo long. Aiden leaned forward and reached for Donald. How special Amine can share his Donald Duck picture with his son!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our boy is 4 months!

They say that kids grow up fast. We are learning first hand how true that is. These past four months have gone fast. Aiden is now four months and amazing us everyday. He is now 12 lbs. 7 oz. and 25 inches long. He is rolling everywhere, laughing, smiling and in his own way talking to us. :) What a blessing!

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Mother's Day!

My wonderful husband treated the three of us to a weekend away! We went down to Palm Beach and stayed at the Ritz Carlton. It was amazing. Amine and I went there when I was five months pregnant. It was a much different experience this time! :) Aiden was so mellow and all of us had a blast. Last year on Mother's Day I didn't even know I was pregnant yet...what a difference a year makes. I feel so blessed.

Amine learned a new hobby called S.U.P. and it is a stand up surf board. I worked on relaxing. :) Thank you to my wonderful husband for a much needed weekend away and thank you to our sweet Aiden for making me a Mommy.

I hope all of you Mothers had a special day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Meeting Baby Blake

My friend Chris was in town with her family. Her adorable son Blake turned 1! What a great family! We had so much fun seeing them.

In other news our little guy is developing new skills everyday. Now he is rolling all over, Amine got him to laugh a couple times and he is following along so well when we read books!! The teacher in me is quite happy!! :)

We will keep you posted...