Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Time At The Beach!!!

We took Aiden to the beach for his first time today! Yeah! What a great day. It was a bit windy and our beach tent took a hit. Amine saved the day! By the end of the day, the tent became a kite! Amine thought he was training for kite surfing trying to get our tent under control. :)

Aiden loved the beach! He was such a happy baby and was mellow all day. We had a great first of many trips to the beach!

Looks like we will be investing in a new beach tent...:)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friends and Fun!

Today we had our friends Kevin and Torrey over with their adorable son Mason. We had a great time and Aiden got to meet his new friend. It was a blast watching the boys! Later in the evening we went to Epcot. It was a beautiful night and we got to walk around and get fresh air. Aiden was tired from his "play date", so he just slept.

What a nice day of friends and fun!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

3 months old!

Yeah! 3 months!

Aiden and Mommy

Aiden and Daddy

Aiden and Mason

Supporting Daddy's college

Supporting Mommy's college

Aiden and Aunt Angie

Aiden and Selena

Align Center
We have been up to a lot since Easter. My cousin Selena came to visit. It was very sweet of her to take the time to drive over while on vacation. Aiden got a little time with Aunt Angie too! He has been supporting Mommy and Daddy's colleges. It is never too soon to start discussing future schools! :) He turned 3 months old and had his first "play date". We met my friend Jayci and her son Mason in downtown Celebration. Aiden slept for two hours and Mason played in the fountain. Needless to say Mommy had a great visit!

We hope everyone is well.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring is here!

Spring has officially come! The weather is back to the 80's and sunny. We are enjoying getting Aiden out and about. Yesterday for Easter Aiden took his first big road trip. Before the trip we had some fun playing with Easter eggs! :) We went to St. Petersburg to see some of the Kline aunts, uncles and cousins who were down for spring break. Aiden met Uncle Matt, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Tom, Irene, Uncle Paul and cousins Nicole, Karla, Erica and Luke. Fun Fun!! Now we are up to 5 of the 10 of my Dad's siblings! Half way!! Uncle Dom and Aunt Gail came for a visit a couple weeks ago. They were very sweet to come and meet our little guy. We have had so much fun introducing Aiden to family.

Happy Spring!