Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lego Land...:)

Aiden's new favorite thing to do. He loves Legos! We had a blast watching him take apart and put things together. He is going to turn one very soon and continues to amaze us everyday!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow in Florida...:)

Every year Celebration has it's annual "Snowfall". By "snow" I mean foam. :) Each hour in the evening they have Christmas carols, and snow comes flying out of the light posts downtown. Coming from Michigan, this is always hilarious! :)

Anyway, we had a great time taking Aiden to the snow for the first time with our friends The Primeaus. What a fun night! The boys were so cute!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Grandma Visits & Aiden's 1st Trip to Santa

Our 1st trip to see Santa!
He did great!
Aiden loves his Grandma!
He loves Aunt Angie too!!!

He loved looking at the Christmas decorations in line!
Trip to Hollywood Studios
The view was better sitting on Daddy's shoulders!
We took Aiden to see the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show.

My mom came to visit. We got to take Aiden to see the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show (it is his favorite on TV), we went to Mother Goose story time at the library, got to see Santa, and much more. These were all great memories. Thanks Grandma for a wonderful visit!! You are the best!

Amine and I feel so blessed this holiday season. It is hard to believe that the night the Christmas tree came down last year was the night we went to the hospital to have Aiden. My how this year has flown by! What a special year it has been. We wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
Love, The Berradas

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Epcot with Aiden

Who's excited? :)

End of the night. :)

Epcot night as a family is always fun. Aiden got to meet all the characters and we had a wonderful night together. Our boy will be one next month! Where has this year gone?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We ended all of our travels with a little rest in Miami. What a fun day at the beach and pool! Aiden loved this day! It was a great ending to an incredible trip!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Back to Spain...:)

On our way back from Morocco, You can see the African continent on the right (Morocco) and Europe on the left (Spain). Amazing view.

Aiden dreaming about his friends and cousins in Morocco...:)
Downtown Madrid
European architecture is mind blowing. Spain has so much heritage which reflects in its historical buildings.
Plaza Mayor is amazing. This place has been the center of activities, bull fights, and royal coronations. Today, it is used for public celebrations.
In the center of the square, you can see a bronze statue of King Phillips III constructed in 1616.

Off for a quick bite to eat in downtown Madrid!

This amazing church is where the King and Queen of Spain got married.

*Thank you Sanaa for being an excellent host. We had a great time.