Friday, October 30, 2009

Proud to be an American...:)

Today Amine was sworn in as one of the newest American Citizens!! Now he is Moroccan/American at heart :) It was such a moving experience. There were 99 people sworn in from 44 countries. Due to my pregnant hormones, I was quite emotional to say the least! I am so proud of him and how hard he has worked to get to this point. What a great year for the Berrada Family!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a weekend!

This was such a whirlwind of a weekend!! Wonderful, but crazy! It started Thursday when I flew into Milwaukee, WI to attend my dear friend Heather's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and I felt honored to be part of this special day. Now we can say the baby was in its first wedding! The wedding was Saturday, then Sunday morning I got up at 4:30am to take the ferry over to Michigan. That afternoon my family threw me a baby shower. Special thanks to my mom, sister, Aunt Penny, Aunt Stacie and my cousin Lisa for throwing me such a special event. There were 40 special family and friends there. Needless to say the baby did quite well!! It was wonderful to see so many friends and family this weekend. This will be the baby's last flight for a while! I must say, I did learn that the baby sure liked dancing at Heather's reception!!! :)

Hope everyone is well!!!